
Welcome to WaTEM/SEDEM

Hi there! This website holds the documentation for WaTEM/SEDEM and related projects. The WaTEM-SEDEM (or in short WS) is a model used to estimate erosion and overland sediment routing and transport to river. This page links to the several packages and codes used in the project. The project is subdivided in a number of smaller projects. The are shortly introduced in the sections below.


This project contains the WaTEM/SEDEM model itself: it contains all algorithms and formula’s originally developed by KU Leuven in the Pascal programming language.

Note that the model also includes an Curve Number (CN) extension to estimate run-off and sediment concentrations.


The pywatemsedem package is a Python wrapper for WaTEM/SEDEM. The aim of the pywatemsedem package is to automate GIS IO processing, provide tooling to interact with WaTEM/SEDEM, and run WaTEM/SEDEM.

The package is implemented in Python and best used with the tutorial notebooks available on this page.

The package makes use of Python (via conda), SAGA-GIS and GDAL. The code and documentation for this project is currently under development.


In this project, code is developed to compute the rainfall erosivity (R-factor). In short, the R-factor is a factor that quantifies the effect of rainfall on water erosion. This factor is used in CN-WS to compute values for the RUSLE equation.


For any question considering any of these projects, please contact us at cn-ws@omgeving.vlaanderen.be.

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Departement Omgeving


