How can you contribute?

The R-factor project is a project made possible by the Flemish Government (Department Environment), the Flemish Environment Agency, K.U. Leuven and Fluves. A special thank you to the Flemish Environment Agency for providing the input data, and K.U. Leuven for providing and releasing their source code.

Thank you to all partners that decided to host this code and the data as open source.

There are many ways to contribute to this project:

  • Ask a question.

  • If you believe in this project, share it via social media.

  • Propose a new feature.

  • Report a bug.

  • Improve the documentation.

  • Help develop this package.

Code of conduct

See the code of conduct.

Development guidelines

We use a number of development tools to support us in improving the code quality. No magic bullet or free lunch, but just a set of tools as any craftman has tools to support him/her doing a better job.

For development purposes using conda, make sure to first run pip install -e .[develop] environment to prepare the development environment and install all development tools. (When using tox -e dev this is already done).

When starting on the development of the rfactor package, makes sure to be familiar with the following tools. Do not hesitate to ask the maintainers when having trouble using these tools.

Pre-commit hooks

To ensure a more common code formatting and limit the git diff, make sure to install the pre-commit hooks. The required dependencies are included in the development requirements installed when running pip install -e .[develop].


Install the pre-commit hooks before your first git commit to the package!

pre-commit install

on the main level of the package (rfactor folder, location where the file .pre-commit-config.yaml is located).

If you just want to run the hooks on your files to see the effect (not during a git commit), you can use the command at any time:

pre-commit run --all-files

Unit testing with pytest

Run the test suite using the pytest package, from within the main package folder (rfactor):


Or using tox (i.e. in a separate environment)


You will receive information on the test status and the test coverage of the unit tests.

Documentation with sphinx

Build the documentation locally with Sphinx:

tox -e docs

which will create the docs in the docs/_build/html folder. The docs/_build directory itself is left out of version control (and we rather keep it as such ;-)).

Numpy docstring formatting is used to define the format of the python docstrings. As Numpy docstring does not provide default rules on describing a parameter or returned variable that represents a Pandas.DataFrame or a dict, we include these as follows (equivalent for parameters versus returns section):

df_name: pandas.DataFrame
    The DataFrame ...whatever you need to say... and contains the
    following columns:

    - *colunm_name_1* (int): description 1
    - *colunm_name_2* (float): description 2
    - *colunm_name_3* (datetime): description 3

other_returned_var : float
    Description of a none df variable

Similar for a dictionary:

df_name: dict
    The dict ...whatever you need to say... and contains:

    - *key_1* (int): description 1
    - *key_2* (float): description 2
    - *key_3* (datetime): description 3

other_returned_var : float
    Description of a none df variable


  1. The empty lines are important for sphinx to convert this to a clean list.

  2. Detail alert: the format variable: type is used as constructor for every variable in the documentation (and not variable : type).

Drone CI

Apart from these tools you can run locally, we use GitHub actions

to run these checks also on our servers.

Git lfs

Git lfs, or large file support, is used in this repository to store gis files in the repository. To use this functionality you need to install git lfs. See gitlfs for instructions and more information.

The .gitattributes-file in the root folder contains the file extensions which are stored under lfs. For now, only files within the test folder are stored under lfs.

Naming things

To provide structure in the naming of methods, functions, classes,… we ask to conform the following guidelines.

Class, function/methods names follow the standard naming conventions as defined in the PEP8 guidelines. Additionally, methods/functions start - whenever possible - with an active verb on the action they perform (does_something()), e.g. load_data()

Variable names follow the PEP8 guidelines, but provide additional context:

  • raw textfiles (txt): txt_variable

  • dictionary: dict_variable

  • list: lst_variable

  • numpy array: arr_variable

  • pandas: df_variable

Creating a new release

For the releases, the setup uses setuptools-scm. Basically, by managing the git-tags, the release version is managed as well.

Furthermore, the deployment of the documentation and pypi package is managed using github actions, the deploy.yml file.

To make a new release:

  • git checkout master, git pull origin master

  • Update the CHANGELOG.rst with the changes for this new release

  • git commit -m 'Update changelog for release  X.X.X' CHANGELOG.rst

  • git push origin master

  • Add git tags: git tag vX.X.X

  • Push the git tags: git push --tags

  • On the release page draft a new release using the latest git tag

  • Copy past the changes from the changelog in the dialog and publish release

  • Check if github actions runs the deployment of docs and pypi