Windows packages
Windows binaries of watem_sedem can be found under watem-sedem releases
Linux (debian/ubuntu)
Installing on linux (debian/linux)
Pre-built binary packages of watem-sedem exist on .
Building on linux
First build dependencies should be installed. The Lazarus dependency can be installed using:
apt install build-essential lazarus
Then either open the project in Lazarus or enter the project directory and run make. This will build the binary cn_ws under the cn_ws directory.
Compiling a debian package
If you would like to make a package instead of a static binary, you can follow these steps:
Make sure you have debuild and all build dependencies installed:
sudo apt install devscripts build-essential lintian
sudo apt install lazarus
Next, build and install from source:
debuild -b
sudo dpkg -i ../cn_ws*deb
To test your installation, run cn_ws from terminal:
sudo apt-install cn-ws
Building on Windows
To build WaTEM/SEDEM on windows, you need to install the Lazarus IDE first. This can be downloaded it from Install it under c:lazarus use the provided make.bat script to build.
Open the project in Lazarus (open the .lpi file, see subfolder cn_ws/cn_ws/cn_ws.lpi) and build the executable (Shift + F9). The executable is stored in the same folder as the .lpi file and can be run without further installation.
This step only has to be done if no cn_ws.exe file is present in the subfolder cn_ws/cn_ws
When you want to use WaTEM/SEDEM from the command line you need a valid ini-file with all references to input files and model choices. The model can be run with:
C:\watem-sedem\watem_sedem.exe C:\modelinput\catchment.ini-file
It is possible to run the executable of CN-WS in every directory by adding its location to the system variable PATH. The model was tested on Dutch (“,” as a decimal separator) and English (“.” as a decimal separator) language system computers. The model runs for these language systems, however other language systems yet to be tested.
The tutorial gives a practical example on how to use the model and is the best place to continue from here.