Model output

In this section we will describe all possible outputs of WaTEM/SEDEM. Tables are written as tab-delimited txt-files, rasters are written as Idrisi-rasters (or as Saga-rasters if the ‘saga grids’ option is enabled).

The output returned by the model depends on some of the user choices that can be defined in the ini-file.

Only Routing output

Following output is generated if the model option ‘only routing’ is enabled:


Tab-delimited table, containing a row for every pixel in the spatial domain. Following columns are present for every pixel (every pixel is a row in the table):

  • col: the vertical position of the pixel in the raster

  • row: the horizontal position of the pixel in the raster

  • target1col: the vertical position of the first target pixel in the raster. These values are -99 if target1 does not exist.

  • target1row: the horizontal position of the first target pixel in the raster. These values are -99 if target1 does not exist.

  • part1: the relative amount of outgoing sediment/water to the first target pixel

  • distance1: the distance (in m) between the source pixel and the first target pixel

  • target2col: the vertical position of the second target pixel in the raster. These values are -99 if target2 does not exist.

  • target2row: the horizontal position of the second target pixel in the raster. These values are -99 if target2 does not exist.

  • part2: the relative amount of outgoing sediment/water to the second target pixel. The sum of part1 and part2 must equal 1.

  • distance2: the distance (in m) between the source pixel and the second target pixel

The routing table will only be generated if the model choice ‘write routing table’ is enabled.

An example of (a part) of a routing.txt is given below

col	row	target1col	target1row	part1	distance1	target2col	target2row	part2	distance2
68	6	-99	-99	0	0	69	6	1	20
69	6	-99	-99	0	0	70	6	1	20
70	6	71	6	0.92026302166966	20	70	7	0.0797369783303399	20
71	6	72	6	0.850187001095911	20	71	7	0.149812998904089	20
72	6	73	6	0.93733320878786	20	72	7	0.0626667912121402	20
73	6	-99	-99	0	0	74	6	1	20
74	6	-99	-99	0	0	75	6	1	20
75	6	76	7	1	28.2842712474619	-99	-99	0	0
76	6	-99	-99	0	0	77	6	1	20
77	6	-99	-99	0	0	78	6	1	20
78	6	79	7	1	28.2842712474619	-99	-99	0	0
67	7	-99	-99	0	0	68	7	1	20
68	7	68	6	0.0662259378181042	20	69	7	0.933774062181896	20
69	7	-99	-99	0	0	70	7	1	20

See the section on grid coordinates for more information on the orientation of the rows and columns in this file.


Tab-delimited table with the same headers as routing.txt. The records in this table are a subset of those in routing.txt and are only included if they were not treated in te model after the routing is calculated. This output is intended as debugging information for the model. Ideally, this file is empty.

This table will only be generated if the model choice ‘write routing table’ is enabled.

See the section on grid coordinates for more information on the orientation of the rows and columns in this file.


Tab-delimited table. Every row represents a pixel coordinate (column + row). The pixels are sorted according to the sequence they are treated in the modelrun: i.e. the first record int the table is the pixel treated first in the modelrun, the last record of the table is the last treated pixel of the modelrun. Together with the routing.txt, the routing applied by the model can be fully reconstructed.

This table will only be generated if the model choice ‘write routing table’ is enabled.

An example of (a part) of a routing_rowcol.txt is given below

col	row
76	6
67	7
85	7
99	7
66	8
69	8
85	8
91	8
101	8
104	8
65	9
81	9
83	9
92	9

See the section on grid coordinates for more information on the orientation of the rows and columns in this file.


Raster with the calculated LS-factor (-). This raster will only be written if the model output option ‘write ls factor’ is enabled.


Raster with the direction of slope (the aspect) in radians. This raster will only be written if the model output option ‘write aspect’ is enabled.


Raster with the calculated slope in radians. This raster will only be written if the model output option ‘write slope’ is enabled.


Raster with the total upstream area \((m^2)\) for every pixel. This raster will only be written if the model output option ‘write upstream area’ is enabled.

WaTEM/SEDEM output

When WaTEM/SEDEM is used (i.e. ‘only routing is disabled), the following rasters and tables can be written as output.

Total Sediment.txt

Txt-file where the first rows give a summary of the results:

  • Total erosion \((kg)\): the total amount of sediment eroded in the landscape. Erosion is expressed as a negative value.

  • Total deposition \((kg)\): the total amount of sediment deposited in the landscape (not entering sewers or rivers)

  • Sediment leaving the catchment, via the river \((kg)\): the amount of sediment that enters any of the river pixels

  • Sediment leaving the catchment, not via the river \((kg)\): the amount of sediment that exits the model domain (not via river pixels)

if the model extension ‘Include buffers’ is enabled, following row is added to the file:

  • Sediment trapped in buffers \((kg)\): the amount of sediment that is trapped in all buffer basins.

if the model extension ‘Include sewers’ is enabled, following row is added to the file:

  • Sediment entering sewer system \((kg)\): the amount of sediment that enters the sewer pixels

After the above mentioned rows, a tab-separated table where for every outlet the amount of incoming sediment is reported.

An example output is given here:

Total erosion: -22656028.85 (kg)
Total deposition: 18383994.81 (kg)
Sediment leaving the catchment, via the river: 1627019.71 (kg)
Sediment leaving the catchment, not via the river: 435276.68 (kg)
Sediment trapped in buffers: 306598.86 (kg)
Sediment entering sewer system: 1963295.93 (kg)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Total sediment passing at each outlet [kg]
Outlet ID	Sediment
1	1626467.5

Total Sediment segments.txt

Tab-delimited table. Every row contains the id of a river segment and the total amount of sediment \((kg)\) entering the segment. This table is only generated if the model extension ‘Output per river segment’ is enabled.

An example output is given here:

Total sediment flowing into each river segment [kg]
segment_id	Sediment
1	14.47907066
2	833.5774536
3	16578.52734
4	19290.51758
5	5772.96582
6	1590.167236
7	134240.5625
8	810.6271973
9	419013.375
10	133863.4375
11	45281.28125
12	129736.7812
13	112005.4062
14	6804.628906
15	53051.43359
16	1516.412964
17	804.9072266
18	2015.383301
19	76564.71094
20	326974.8438
21	83046.32812
22	57209.46484

Cumulative sediment segments.txt

Tab-delimited table. Every row contains the id of a river segment and the cumulative amount of sediment transported from all upstream segments towards this segment. This table is only generated if the model extension ‘Output per river segment’ is enabled.

Clay content sediment.txt

Tab-delimited table with the estimated mean clay content (in %) at every outlet. This table is only generated when if the model extension ‘estimate clay content’ is enabled.

Clay content sediment segments.txt

Tab-delimited table with the estimated mean clay content (in %) entering every river segment. This table is only generated if the model extensions ‘estimate clay content’ and ‘Output per river segment’ are enabled.


Raster with the cumulative amount of sediment in \((kg)\) in every river pixel. The most downstream pixel of the river network will have the highest value, because all upstream river pixels route to this pixel.

This raster is only written if the model extension ‘River routing’ is enabled.


Raster with the amount of sediment in \((kg)\) trapped in every sewer pixel. This raster is only generated if the model extension ‘Include sewers’ is enabled.


Raster with the calculated amounts of sediment input \((kg)\) for every river cell. This raster is only written if the model output option ‘write sediment export’ is enabled.


Raster with the amount of sediment \((kg)\) that leaves every pixel and is distributed between its target pixels. This raster is only written if the model output option ‘write sediment export’ is enabled.


Raster with the amount of sediment \((kg)\) that enters a pixel from the upstream pixels. This raster is only written if the model output option ‘write sediment export’ is enabled.

WATEREROS (kg per gridcel).rst

Raster with the net erosion or sedimentation in every pixel in (in \(kg\)). Negative values indicate erosion, while positive values indicate sedimentation. This raster is only written if the model output option ‘write water erosion’ is enabled. See the concept of WaTEM-SEDEM for more information on the calculation of this value.

WATEREROS (mm per gridcel).rst

Raster with net erosion or sedimentation in every pixel in (in \(mm\)). Negative values indicate erosion, while positive values indicate sedimentation. This raster is only written if the model output option ‘write water erosion’ is en enabled. See the concept of WaTEM-SEDEM for more information on the calculation of this value.


Raster with the calculated transport capacity (TC) (in :math:` kg pixel^{-1} year^{-1}`) for every pixel. The values in this raster are calculated according the chosen formula in the model option ‘transport capacity’.


Raster with the calculated RUSLE-values, the potential soil loss, for every pixel in (in:math:` kg m^{-2} year^{-1}`). This raster is only written if the model output option ‘write rusle’ is enabled.

TILEROS (mm per gridcel).rst

Raster with the calculated tillage erosion (in \(mm year^{-1}\)). Negative values indicate erosion, while positive values indicate sedimentation. This raster is only written if the model option ‘calculate tillage erosion’ is enabled.

TILEROS (kg per gridcel).rst

Raster with the calculated tillage erosion (in \(kg year^{-1}\)). Negative values indicate erosion, positive values indicate sedimentation. This raster is only written if the model option ‘calculate tillage erosion’ is enabled.


Raster with the amount of sediment (in \(kg\)) that enters a pixel from the upstream pixels, due to tillage erosion. This raster is only written if the model option ‘calculate tillage erosion’ is enabled.


Raster with the amount of sediment (in \(kg\)) that leaves every pixel and is distributed between its target pixels, due to tillage erosion. This raster is only written if the model option ‘calculate tillage erosion’ is enabled.


This file contains the same output as Total Sediment.txt, but for all possible ktc combinations defined in the Calibration-option. This output is only written if the model extension ‘Calibrate’ is enabled.

This txt-file contains a ;-seperated table. The columns in the table are: ktc_low, ktc_high, tot_erosion, tot_sedimentation, sed_river, sed_noriver, sed_buffer, sed_openwater, outlet_1, outlet_2.

An example output where ktc_low and ktc_high were varied from 1 to 5 is given here:



When the CN-extension is enabled (i.e. curve number is enabled) some additional output is, or, can be generated.


Table with discharge (in \(m^3 s^{-1}\)) as a function of time for every outlet.


Table with discharge (in \(m^3 s^{-1}\)) as a function of time for every river segment. This table is only generated if the model extension ‘Output per river segment’ is enabled.

Sediment concentration.txt

Table with the concentration of sediment (in \(g.l^{-1}\)) as a function of time for every outlet.

Sediment concentration segments.txt

Table with the concentration of sediment (in \(g.l^{-1}\)) as a function of time for every river segment. This table is only generated if the model extension ‘Output per river segment’ is enabled.


Table with the sediment load (in \(kg\)) as a function of time for every outlet.


Table with the sediment load (in \(kg\)) as a function of time for the river segments. This table is only generated if the model extension ‘Output per river segment’ is enabled.

Spillover per buffer.txt

Table with the total amount of water (in \(m^3\)) that leaves every buffer basin via the overflow.

Total discharge.txt

Table with the total amount of water (in \(m^3\)) that arrives in every outlet after a rainfall event.


Rainfall Excess Raster, a raster with the total amount of discharge (in \(m^3 s^{-1}\)) per pixel for a rainfall event. Here the discharce is defined by the amount of rainfall minus the amount of infiltration.

Total runoff.rst

Raster with total runoff (in \(m^3\)) generated in every pixel during a rainfall event. The value in every pixel is the sum of the amount of rainfall and the amount of water flowing from upstream pixels, minus the infiltration in the pixel.